The table below contains the list of Philippine Christian Bookstore branches found in Western Visayas (Region 6). There are 4 branches as of year 2015. Please refer to the list below.
List of PCBS Branches - Western Visayas (Region 6)

PCBS Branches - Western Visayas (Region 6)

List of PCBS Branches - Western Visayas (Region 6)
Telephone No.
Mobile No.
Robinsons Place Bacolod Mandalagan, Bacolod, Negros Occidental 441-2648 09219651662 pcbsvisbacolodrob
SM Bacolod GF South Wing SM City Bacolod 468-0037 09395692653 pcbsvisbacolodsm
Robinsons Iloilo Level 11, Space 183, Robinsons Place, Ledesma Street, Iloillo City, Iloilo 337-5670 09228024854 pcbsvisiloilorob
SM Iloilo Unit 21-B, Lower Ground Floor, SM City Iloilo, Benigno, Aquino Avenue, Mandurriao, Iloilo City, Iloilo 509-5045 09231247983 pcbsvisiloilosm
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