The table below contains the list of all the China Bank Savings branches found in Tarlac, Philippines. Also included are the address, branch sales and service officer, banking days, & contact numbers. Please refer to the list below for more details.
List of China Bank Savings Branches

List of China Bank Savings Branches - Tarlac

Tarlac Branch
RIC Bldg., Bypass Road, San Sebastian, Tarlac City
Branch Manager:
Service Head: Everett B. Lim
Tel #: (045)628-0755 / (045) 628-0761
Fax #:(045)628-0754
Banking Days:
Mon - Fri: 9:00AM to 4:30PM
Tarlac Branch
MacArthur Highway San Nicolas, Tarlac City
Branch Manager: Thelma Marie C. Isais
Service Head:
Tel #: (047) 222-2131
Fax #: (047) 222-2020
Banking Days:
Mon - Fri: 9:00AM - 4:30PM

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