The information below contains the list of all the HBC (Life is Beautiful) branches (stores) located in Capiz. Also included on the list are the contact number(s) [mobile/landline], email address, and the services the designated branch is offering. Please refer to the list below for more details.

List of Branches HBC (Life is Beautiful) Stores

List of Branches HBC (Life is Beautiful) - Capiz

hbc Roxas
G/F Gaisano City Roxas, Arnaldo Blvd., Roxas City
Mobile: 0923 745 5104
Landline: (036) 621 6299
OFFERS: Facial & Diamond Peel and Hair Color Application

hbc Robinsons Place Roxas
Level 1, 103 Robinsons Place, Pueblo De Panay, Lawaan, Roxas City


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