The information below contains the list of all the HBC (Life is Beautiful) branches (stores) located in Manila. Also included on the list are the contact number(s) [mobile/landline], email address, and the services the designated branch is offering. Please refer to the list below for more details.

List of Branches HBC (Life is Beautiful) Stores

List of Branches HBC (Life is Beautiful) - Manila

hbc Arlegui
808 Arlegui Street, Quiapo, Manila
Mobile Number: 0923 745 8993
Landline: (02) 871 9143
OFFERS: Facial & Diamond Peel and Hair Application Color

hbc Blumentritt
Blumentritt corner Felix Huertas Sts., Manila
Mobile Number: 0923 745 8988
Landline: (02) 749 5304
OFFERS: Facial & Diamond Peel and Hair Application Color

hbc Isetann Recto
2nd level Cinerama Complex, Isetann Recto, Manila
Mobile Number: 0923 745 6028
Landline: (02) 733 7076
OFFERS: Facial & Diamond Peel

hbc Robinsons Place Manila
Stall No. 1-99564 M. Adriatico Cor. Pedro Gil Street, Malate Manila
Mobile Number: 0923 745 6031
Landline: n/a

hbc Sta. Ana
New Panaderos Street, Manila
Mobile Number: 0923 717 0894
Landline: (02) 535 7682
OFFERS: Facial & Diamond Peel, Hair Color Application and TALAS

hbc Tayuman
K-22 Puregold Tayuman, 31 Tayuman Street, Tondo, Manila
Email: n/a
Mobile Number: n/a
Landline: n/a

hbc Tondo
580 Padre Herrera St., Ilaya, Tondo, Manila
Mobile Number: 0923 745 8974
Landline: (02) 247 6255
OFFERS: Facial & Diamond Peel and Hair Application Color

hbc Tutuban
Tutuban Center, C.M. Recto Avenue, Tutuban, Tondo, Manila
Mobile Number: 0923 745 8964
Landline: (02) 251 4249
OFFERS: Facial & Diamond Peel and Hair Application Color


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