List of MMDA Services
Development Planning - which includes the preparation of medium and long term development plans; the development evaluation and packaging of projects; investment programming and coordination as well as the monitoring of plans, program, project implementation.
Transport and Traffic Management - which includes the formulation, coordination and monitoring of policies, standards, programs and projects to rationalize the existing transport operations, infrastructure requirements, the use of thoroughfares; and promotion of safe and convenient movement of persons, goods; provision for the mass transport system and the institution of a system to regulate road users; administration and implementation of all traffic enforcement operations, traffic engineering services and traffic education programs, including the institution of a single ticketing system.
Solid Waste Disposal and Management - which includes formulation and implementation of policies, standards, programs and projects for proper and sanitation waste disposal It will also involve the establishment and operation of sanitary landfill and related facilities and the implementation of other alternative programs intended to reduce, reuse, and recycle solid waste.
Flood Control and Sewerage Management - which includes the formulation and implementation of policies, standards, rules and regulations, programs and projects for an integrated flood control, drainage and sewerage system.
Urban renewal, Zoning and Land Use Planing and Shelter Services - which includes the formulation, adoption and implementation of policies, standards, rules and regulations, programs and projects to rationalize and optimize urban land use and provide direction to urban growth and expansion, the rehabilitation and development of slum and blighted areas, the development of shelter and housing facilities and the provision of necessary social services.
Health and Sanitation, Urban Protection and Pollution Control - which includes the formulation and implementation of policies, rules and regulations, standards, programs and projects for the promotion and safeguarding of the health and sanitation of the region and for the enhancement of ecological balance and the prevention, control and abatement of environmental pollution.
Public Safety - which includes the formulation and implementation of programs and policies and procedures to achieve public safety, especially the preparedness for preventive or rescue operations during times of calamities and disasters such as conflagrations, earthquake, flood and tidal waves; and coordination and mobilization of resources and the implementation for rehabilitation and relief operations in coordination with national agencies concerned.