The information below contain the list of all the available SSS or Social Security System housing loans here in the Philippines.

List of SSS Business Loans in the Philippines
Please refer to the list below for more details. Please be noted that all the information posted from this particular post were gathered from the official website of SSS.

List of SSS Housing loans in the Philippines

Direct Housing Loan Facility for Workers' Organization Members
The Direct Housing Loan Facility for Workers' Organization Members (WOMs) aims to provide socialized and low-cost housing to workers who are bonafide members of duly registered and accredited workers' organizations.

WOMs refer to any association of workers in the private sector duly registered with the DOLE, the Securities and Exchange Commission, or the Cooperative Development Authority. It shall include any trade union center, federation, national union, local/chapter or independent union as defined in Book V of the Labor Code.

Direct Housing Loan Facility for OFWs
The Direct Housing Loan Facility for Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW) is designed to support the Government's shelter program, which aims to provide socialized and low-cost housing to overseas Filipino contract workers.

An OFW is a private sector worker who is:

a. Currently deployed with a contract processed through the POEA or authenticated by the Embassy abroad
b. With employment contracts which are awaiting renewal/deployment; however, release of loan shall be made upon renewal/employment
c, A Filipino national but who is now a citizen or immigrant of a foreign countries but is interested in buying a housing unit for his family who is still in the country
d. A long-term resident overseas Filipinos who wish to avail of housing packages either for themselves when they retire or when they visit the Philippines and/or for their extended families

House Repair/Improvement Loan
The Housing Loan for Repairs and/or Improvements is a lending program of the Social Security System (SSS) available either directly from the SSS or thru its accredited participating financial institutions (PFIs).

Assumption of Mortgage
Assumption of Mortgage is a lending program of the Social Security System (SSS) allowing a member in good standing to assume the updated principal balance of an existing SSS housing loan.


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