The information below contains the list of all the things that a mother should do and should not do during her pregnancy period. This will benefit not only her baby but also herself.

List of do's and don'ts during pregnancy in Philippines

Please refer to the list below for more details.

List of do's and don'ts during pregnancy in Philippines

1. Be ready for exclusive breastfeeding for your baby. Know the right way of breastfeeding.
2. Eat right and make sure you have enough vitamins.
3. Do exercises that suits your condition
4. Make sure to have enough sleep and rest
5. Don't eat salty foods

6. Do not take medicine for sickness without doctor's consent.
7. Do not drink beer or alcoholic drinks.
8. Do not smoke and step away from cigarette smoke.
9. Prepare the following in case of emergency: money, blood donor, and transportation
10. Register in PhilHealth to get some of its useful packages like the maternity care package, cesarean section package, and the newborn care package. If you are already registered make sure you are depositing the needed monthly contributions in the nearest PhilHealth office at your place.

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