Please refer to the list below for more details.
List LDB Branches/ATM Locators found in Batangas
Bauan Branch26 Binay St., Cor. San Rafael St. Poblacion III, Bauan Batangas
(043) 727-1317 / 984-0058
Ilustre Avenue Lemery, Batangas
(043) 409-1622 / 409-0146
Batangas Branch
Kumintang Ibaba, Batangas City
(043) 723-1031 / 980-3210 / 984-0074
San Jose Branch
Banay-Banay I San Jose, Batangas
(043) 726-2066 / 726-3220
Lipa Branch
T.M. Kalaw cor. A. Mabini St. Lipa City
(043) 756-1710 / 757-3303
Rosario Branch
ABS & S Building Carandang st., Brgy. D, Rosario, Batangas
(043) 414-0012
Tanauan Branch
A Mabini Ave. Tanauan City, Batangas
(043) 778-0910 / 405-0804
Sto. Tomas Branch
Gen. Malvar Ave. Sto. Tomas, Batangas
(043) 778-1960 / 318-0331
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