LIST: Magnolia Scenarios Entering the Quarterfinals 2018 PBA Governors' Cup
SCENARIO 9-2Magnolia and Alaska tied at 9-2, Magnolia will be top 1 and Alaska will be top 2.
SCENARIO 8-3 (a)
Magnolia, Alaska, Ginebra, Phoenix tied at 8-3. Therefore they will be the top 4 teams and will be having the twice-to-beat advantage against top 5, 6, 7, and 8 teams.
SCENARIO 8-3 (b)
Magnolia, Alaska, Ginebra, Blackwater tied at 8-3. Therefore they will be the top 4 teams and will be having the twice-to-beat advantage against top 5, 6, 7, and 8 teams.
SCENARIO 7-4 (a)
Magnolia, Alaska, Phoenix, Blackwater, SMB. Therefore Ginebra will be #1, Magnolia #2, Alaska #3, SMB #4, Phoenix #5, Blackwater #6
mag vs ala +10
mag vs phx -13
mag vs bla +34
mag vs smb +1
ala vs mag -10
ala vs phx +11
ala vs bla +7
ala vs smb +8
phx vs mag +13
phx vs ala -11
phx vs bla (-)
phx vs smb -17
-15 + (loss to black)
bla vs phx (+)
bla vs mag -34
bla vs ala -7
bla vs smb +3
-38 + win vs Phx
smb vs mag -1
smb vs ala -8
smb vs phx +17
smb vs bla -3
SCENARIO 7-4 (b)
Magnolia, Alaska, Phoenix, Blackwater. Therefore Ginebra #1, Magnolia #2, Alaska #3, Phoenix #4, Blackwater #5
mag vs ala +10
mag vs phx -13
mag vs bla +34
ala vs mag -10
ala vs phx +11
ala vs bla +7
phx vs mag +13
phx vs ala -11
phx vs bla (-)
+2 less loss to black
bla vs phx (+)
bla vs mag -34
bla vs ala -7
-41 less win vs Phx
SCENARIO 7-4 (Blackwater at 8-3)
Magnolia, Alaska, Phoenix, SMB. Therefore Ginebra, Alaska, Blackwater will be top 3 teams, SMB #4, Magnolia #5, Phoenix #6
mag vs ala +10
mag vs phx -13
mag vs smb +1
ala vs mag -10
ala vs phx +11
ala vs smb +8
phx vs mag +13
phx vs ala -11
phx vs smb -17
smb vs mag -1
smb vs ala -8
smb vs phx +17
SCENARIO 7-4 (d)
Magnolia, Phoenix, Blackwater, SMB. Therefore Ginebra/Alaska will be at 1/2, Magnolia #3, SMB #4, Phoenix #5, Blackwater #6
mag vs phx -13
mag vs bla +34
mag vs smb +1
phx vs mag +13
phx vs bla (-)
phx vs smb -17
-4 + (loss to black)
bla vs phx (+)
bla vs mag -34
bla vs smb +3
-31 + win vs Phx
smb vs mag -1
smb vs phx +17
smb vs bla -3
SCENARIO 7-4 (e)
Magnolia, Phoenix, Blackwater. Therefore Ginebra/Alaska at 1/2, Magnolia #3, Phoenix #4, Blackwater #5.
mag vs phx -13
mag vs bla +34
phx vs mag +13
phx vs bla (-)
+13 - (loss to black)
bla vs phx (+)
bla vs mag -34
-34 + win vs Phx
SCENARIO 7-4 (Blackwater at 8-3)
Magnolia, Phoenix, SMB. Therefor Alaska,Ginebra, Blackwater will be the top 3 teams, SMB #4, Phoenix #5, Magnolia #6
mag vs phx -13
mag vs smb +1
phx vs mag +13
phx vs smb -17
smb vs mag -1
smb vs phx +17
Please be noted that the computations above are all subjected for corrections. If you do find some error(s) please use the comment form below. Thank you!
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