Subtitle is simply all the conversation spoken by all the characters inside the movie that you are watching. It can also be the translation (e.g from English to Tagalog, Thai, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, French, etc) of all the conversations. Sometimes the English is just too slang that is why we are also using the subtitle to easily understand all the actors or actresses words in the movie.

Some Youtube videos also contain subtitle or caption, it defends in the uploader of the video whether he will put a subtitle or not. Same goes for the Facebook videos, some contains subtitle while most, do not.

It is a little tricky to compose or create a subtitle for your own video, a tutorial video, or just a personal video. But for this post I will assume that you are making a subtitle for your tutorial video that you are going to upload whether in Youtube or Facebook.

To be able to make a subtitle for your video, you will be needing the following:
a. a short video that you will synch your subtitle (Download video here.)
b. a VLC or GOM player to test your subtitle and video first before uploading it online
c. Notepad


1. First, open the video that you downloaded above, and open your Notepad. I am using GOM player as my default video player for this tutorial.

2. Just watch your video until you hear the first word said by anyone in the video. Upon hearing the first word, immediately pause your video and take note the exact time when that word was said. For our video, the first word was heard during the 3.5-second playtime. See image below.

3. Go to your Notepad, and copy and paste the given code below. After that save your Notepad and name it as not txt guys, it should be .srt
00:00:03,500 --> 00:00:05,800
Excuse me, do you speak English?

00:00:03,500 The first two 00 is for the hour, the next 00 is for the minutes, :03 is for seconds, and ,500 is for the milliseconds.

--> This one is the connector of the start of a certain subtitle up to its end.

00:00:05,800 Same function as the first one, but it is the timer where the subtitle ends. This means that the first line said will end at 5.8-second playtime.

4. When done saving your subtitle, you really need to try it whether it is synch or not with the video.

5. To apply your subtitle, right click the GOM player > Subtitles > Subtitle Explorer. Make sure also that the "Show Subtitles" is ✓ (checked).

6. After clicking the Subtitle Explorer, click Open and browse for the that we created at step No. 3.

7. After browsing and opening the file, you will immediately see that is now applied inside your video. See image below.

8. Now, replay your video from the start and see if the subtitle syncs with the words said by the character inside the video.

9. Assuming that the subtitle syncs perfectly, play your video again and wait for the next line of words that you will hear. Perform the same steps that you did in the previous steps. For our video the next line is "No I don't! Sorry." , copy and paste the code below, below the first three line of code in your Notepad. Don't forget to save your every time you modified it.
00:00:05,800 --> 00:00:08,000
No I don't! Sorry.

Your code inside your Notepad should look like the image below.

10. After saving your replay your video and check whether your newly created subtitle is also sync. If so, the same steps will do for the 3rd, 4th, 5th and so on subtitles.

Uploading the video on Facebook as well as the subtitle that you created.

1. Upload your video on Facebook. When done uploading, go to your Profile page > Photos > Albums > click the Video folder.

2. When inside the Video folder, find your video, click the pen icon and then click "Edit this video".

3. In the "Edit Video" page, click the "Choose File" button for the Caption or subtitle of your video. Do not forget to change the subtitle filename from to Just browse for the subtitle that you created and click the Save button to continue.

4. Your video will play automatically, if there is no caption or subtitle appearing, just click the Gear icon near the volume icon of the video and TURN ON the Caption.

5. When the Caption is ON, you can now see the subtitle that you created for your video.

Uploading the video on Youtube as well as the subtitle that you created.

1. Go to your Youtube account and upload your video.

2. When done uploading, Save your video and then Edit it again.To edit, access your Youtube Studio, click here. And then click Videos. See image below.

3. Find your video, and then click its title to access it. See image below.

4. Inside the Video Metadata Editor, click the Advanced tab.

5. Find the "Video language (Select). Just select English if you used English.

6. After selecting your language the "English by Youtube (automatic)" will appear as well as the link to upload your subtitle. Click "UPLOAD SUBTITLES/CC"

7. For the box that will appear, select "With timing" and click Continue.

8. Browse the subtitle and click Open button to upload it on Youtube.

9. After that, click the Save button to save your work

10. Play your video now to check your subtitle. If there is no subtitle appearing, just click the CC icon near the gear icon to activate it.

11. After activating your subtitle, your video has subtitle now.

12. Done!

If you have something to share or ask regarding this tutorial, please leave your comment below. Thank you!