I am a blogger, and I am always searching the net and compile different lists on this blog via various sources. And before the results from the Google search carousel, I type them one by one which is a little time-consuming for me. And if the names are long, you need to click it to be able to see the full name of an item inside the result.
The good, thing I just discovered a straightforward trick to be able to easily copy (no need to type anymore) the results and paste it inside my Notepad. See the steps below.
How to copy names from Google search carousel results, no need to type - just a simple copy and paste.
Note: I am using Google Chrome for this tutorial.
1. I searched for "Indian actress."
2. We can now see the Google search results with images, or we can say like a collection of photos that you can scroll right or left.
3. For the next step, see the image below. Just right-click on the left side of the first result and click "INSPECT."
4. After clicking Inspect, the Developer tools will appear, do not click anywhere. You will see inside the developer tools the selected line of code there with <div jsname=" and so on. Just right-click that line of code, then click Copy > Copy element.
5. Open a Notepad, and paste the code that you copied.
6. Inside, Notepad click Edit > Find. Set the Direction to Up. And type title=" and press Find Next button.
7. You can now see the value of each title="" are the names of the actresses that I want to copy. Just repeat the process until you reached the end of the result.
8. Done
You might say, maybe I am done already if I just typed the results. Nope, this tutorial is just done for less than 30 seconds if you mastered it. The only thing that will take you long is the copy and pasting of the results, which I can say is faster compared to typing.
If you do not want the first way, here is the second way which is a little easier and faster.
1. Just repeat Steps 1, 2, and 3 from above.
2. When the Developer tools appear, do not click anywhere.
3. Now go and find Style. Under it, you will see the CSS code below, except for user-select: text; because you are the one that will be going to add it. To add the code, just click below the padding-left: 180px; and a cursor will appear there.
4. When done, you can now select the unselectable texts under the images of the Google search results. But, you need to start your selection on the Actors/Female/India going down to the images.
5. Done!
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