When you got approved to Clickworker's UHRS, make sure you submit at least a small amount of task or work on UHRS weekly, otherwise, your account will expired and you will need to renew it to be able to gain access to it again.

For this post, I will teach you how to renew or restore your UHRS account based on what I did when my own account expired.

Table of Contents:
☑ Accessing Clickworker Contact page.
☑ Creating and submitting a ticket
☑ Waiting for the email from Clickworker
☑ Try to login renewed UHRS account
☑ Accessing works in the Marketplace

Account not Authorized. Failed attempt to login. Your account is expired. Please contact your Vendor Manager to get it renewed.

👉 Open your Clickworker account and press Contact.

👉 Find and press the New Support Ticket link.

👉 Inside Submit a ticket, fill up the fields with red asterisk as follow:
☑ Are you a registered Clickworker? YES
☑ Username or ID: your UHRS username or email
☑ My issue is related to... : Account
☑ Please specify: Account reactivation
☑ Your subject: Failed attempt to login. Your account is expired. Please contact your Vendor Manager to get it renewed.
☑ Email: your working/valid email address
☑ Description: same as Your subject.
☑ Tick the I'm not robot challenge
☑ Press the Submit button.

👉 A message saying: Your ticket has been created will appear after a successful sending of the ticket.

👉 Check the email that you typed in the Email field. A reply from Clickworker Community Support will be seen. It contains when will your Ticket be handled. What you need to do now is wait for another email regarding the issue you submitted.

👉 After almost 7 hours, Clickworker answered my Ticket and solved it. The email stated that:
Your expired UHRS account has been reactivated. Login should now work again as usual. To prevent this from happening again, it is best to submit at least a small bit of work on UHRS every week.

👉 After trying to login my UHRS account, I can now access again different works inside the Marketplace.

👉 Done!