The information below contains the list of all the needed qualifications, requirements and procedures needed to get or renew a Professional Driver's license in the Land Transportation Office or LTO.

List of Qualifications Requirements & Procedures to get Professional Driver's License - LTO

Please refer to the list below for more details.

List of Qualifications Requirements & Procedures to get Professional Driver's License - LTO


Must be at least eighteen (18) years old;
Must be physically and mentally fit to operate a motor vehicle (or work, in the case of applications for Conductor's License);

Must be able to read and write Filipino, English or the applicable local dialect;

For RC 1,2,4 and 6 - must be a holder of valid Student Permit (SP) issued at least six (6) months prior to the application.

For RC 3,5,7 and 8 - must be a holder of valid Non-Professional Driver's License (NPDL) at least one (1) year prior to the application or PDL holder with RC 1,2,4 and 6 for a period of at least six (6) months prior to the application.

Must not have been cited for two (2) or more counts of reckless driving during the period of validity of his/her existing license; and

In addition, for foreigners, the applicant must have been in the Philippines for at least one (1) month with proof that he/she will stay in the country for at least one (1) year from date of application and is allowed to work herein.



Duly accomplished Application for Driver's License (ADL);
For RC 1,2,4 and 6 - Must be a holder of a valid SP issued at least six (6) months prior to the application.

For RC 3,5,7 and 8 - Must be a holder of a valid NPDL issued at least one (1) year prior to the application or PDL holder with RC 1,2,4 and 6 for a period of at least six (6) months prior to the application.

Medical Certificate issued by any licensed practicing physician stating that the applicant is physically and mentally fit to operate a motor vehicle (or work, in the case of applications for Conductor's License);

Clearance that the applicant has not been convicted of any offense involving moral turpitude or reckless imprudence resulting from reckless driving from all the following:
• National Bureau of Investigation (NBI); and
• Philippine national Police (PNP)

In addition, for foreigners, original and photocopy of passport with entry of at least one (1) year from date of application, or if born in the Philippines, present original and photocopy of birth certificate duly authenticated by the NSO.


Duly Accomplished Application for Driver's License (ADL);
Professional Driver's License not expired for more that ten (10) years;
Medical Certificate issued by any licensed practicing physician stating that the applicant is physically and mentally fit to operate a motor vehicle or otherwise stating his/her impairment.


Duly Accomplished Application for Driver's License (ADL);
Valid Professional Driver's License (PDL);
Medical Certificate issued by any licensed practicing physician stating that the applicant is physically and mentally fit to operate a motor vehicle or otherwise stating his/her impairment.


Duly Accomplished Application for Driver's License (ADL);
Valid Professional Driver's License (PDL);
In case of change/s in name, date of birth and/or civil status,original and photocopy of birth certificate or marriage contract, as the case may be, duly authenticated by the NSO.



Step 1

The applicant shall submit all the documentary requirements to the receiving personnel.

Receiving personnel shall check only the completeness of the documents required and transmit the same to an evaluator.
The evaluator shall evaluate the qualifications of the applicant and, if qualified, encode the application in the system.

Step 2

The applicant shall be called for photo and signature taking.

Step 3

The applicant shall be called to pay the required fees to the cashier.

Step 4

The applicant shall immediately proceed to undergo written examinations in the form of the PDL Basic Driving Theory Test for the RC/s applied for or Conductor's License examination and will be immediately informed of the results of the same.

Step 5

Except for applications for Conductor's License, an applicant who passes the written examinations shall be required to immediately take the practical driving test for the RC/s applied for.

After passing both examinations, the application shall be approved by the Approving Officer.

Applicants who fail to pass the Conductor's License Examintaions, Basic Driving Theory Test and/or the Practical Driving Test shall not be allowed to take the same test within a period of one (1) month from the date of the last examination.

If the applicants fails to pass any of the written or practical examinations twice within a period of one (1) year, he/she shall not be allowed to apply for the same within a period of one (1) year from the date of the last examination.

If applicant fails to pass any of the written or practical examinations thrice, he/she shall no longer be allowed to apply for the same for a period of two (2) years from the time of the latest failure. However, in case the application is only for additional RC/s, he/she shall be allowed to renew his/her PDL or Conductor's License and, for this purpose, such shall be annotated on the record of the applicant.

Step 6

Upon approval, the PDL or Conductor's License card with the Official Receipt shall be released to the applicant, who shall be required to write his/her name and affix his/her signature in the appropriate Release Form.


Step 1

The applicant shall submit all the documentary requirements to the receiving personnel.

Receiving personnel shall retrieve the details of the license from the system and show the same to the applicant, who shall be required to confirm the same for any revision/s and be informed of the appropriate fees to be paid.

If there are no revision/s to be made, applicant shall be advised to proceed to the next step.
If there are revision/s to be made, the applicant shall be required to fill up an ADL for the desired revision/s attaching therewith the appropriate document/s required if necessary, for re-submission. For this purpose, ADL forms must be made readily available for applicant/s at the same receiving window.

In case of revision/s of records only, the receiving personnel shall check only the completeness of the re-submitted documents and transmit the same to an evaluator.

The evaluator shall evaluate the qualification of the applicant and, if qualified, encode the application in the file system.
Upon encoding, the application shall be approved by the Approving Officer.

Step 2

The applicant shall be called for photo and signature taking.

Step 3

The applicant shall be called to pay the required fees to the Cashier.

Step 4

The professional Driver's License or Conductor's License card and the expired card with the Official Receipt shall be released to the applicant, who shall be required to write his/her name and affix his/her signature in the appropriate Release Form.


Applications for new PDL as well as its subsequent transactions may be done at any LTO Licensing Center and District/Extension Office.

The plain renewal of PDL without revision may be done at any LTO Driver's Licensing Renewal Offices (DLROs)


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