The table below consists of the List of designated Zip Codes for the municipalities and cities of Albay province. All in all, there are 15 municipalities and 3 cities. The code starts from 4500 up to 4517. Note that the municipalities/cities are listed alphabetically. Please refer to the table below.
List of Zip Codes - Albay Province

List of Zip Codes - Albay Province

Zip Code
Bacacay 4509
Camalig 4502
Daraga (Locsin) 4501
Guinobatan 4503
Jovellar 4515
Legazpi City 4500
Libon 4507
Ligao City 4504
Malilipot 4510
Malinao 4512
Manito 4514
Oas 4505
Pio Duran (Malacbalac) 4516
Polangui 4506
Rapu-Rapu 4517
Santo Domingo 4508
Tabaco City 4511
Tiwi 4513
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