Architect Licensure Exam: List of Reminders, What to Bring, Date, Time Subjects of Exam
Friday, January 26, 2018 (Subjects)7AM to 7:45AM - General Instructions and Filling-out of Forms
8AM to 1PM - History and Theory of Architecture; Principles of Planning; Architecture Practice
2PM to 7PM - Utilities Systems/Structural Conceptualization/Building Materials and Construction
Sunday, January 28, 2018
8AM to 6PM - Architectural Design and Site Planning
1. Check or verify your school/building assignments at the PRC officail website ( or through the Notices/Announcements to be posted at the PRC premises two to three working days before the date of examination. Bring your Notice of Admission when you verify your school/building assignment. Visit your school/building assignment prior to the day of the examination.
2. Report to the school/building assignment before 6:30 AM on the first day of the examination to verify your room and seat number. Be punctual. Late examinees will not be admitted.
3. Examinees are required to wear the following attire every examination day:
Male - white polo shirt with collar (without any seal, logo or mark). Decent pants or slacks
Female - White blouse or shirt with collar (without any seal, logo or mark). Decent pants, slacks or skirts
4. Bring the following on examination day:
a. Notice of Admission
b. Official Receipt
c. One piece metered-stamped window mailing envelope
d. Two or more pencils No. 2
e. Ballpens with black ink only
f. One piece long brown envelope
g. One piece long transparent/plastic envelope (for keeping your valuables and other allowed items)
h. Non-programmable calculator (refer to the list on the Examinees Guide)
5. The following are prohibited inside the examination premises/rooms:
a. Books, notes, review materials, and other printed materials containing coded data/information/formula (except Rules VII and VIII of the 2004 Revised IRR of P.D. No. 1096/1977 NBCP as qualified below)
c. CELLULAR PHONES, COMPUTERS, SMART EAR PLUGS, TRANSMITTERS, PORTABLE WATCHES, BLUETOOTH and other electronic gadgets/devices which may be used for communication purposes.
d. Bags of any kind (ladies bag, shoulder bags, attache case, backpacks, etc.)
e. Other examination aides not stated on this program.
6. Read carefully and follow the instructions on your Notice of Admission and Examinees Guide. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS:
1. On the second day (January 28, 2018), every candidate is required to bring to the examination room the following: ,
a. architect scales (English and Metric Scales)
b. 30 x 60 and 45 degree triangles c. protractors
d. non-programmable calculators
e. pencils, drawing pens, erasers, graphed paper and other tools for sketching purposes
f. copy of Rules VII and VIII of the 2004 Revised IRR of P.D. No. 1096 "1977 National Building Code of the Philippines (NBCP)" which may be downloaded for free from the Latest Publication Section of the PRBoA Website (
2. Candidates will not be allowed to leave the examination rooms, borrow anything or communicate with one another on any subject matter during the conduct of the examination. Every candidate is required to bring his/her lunch and/or supper (placed inside transparent/plastic bag) on the day of the examination. The proctors/room watchers shall not allow any person to give or distribute food to any examinee while the examination is in progress.
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