After reading some other blogs and tutorials regarding the extracting or snooping m3u8 link of particular live streaming, I get used to it and now I am sharing what I have learned here on my blog.
So, what are the reasons why you wanna get that exact m3u8 link? First, most of the sites providing the free live streaming contain so many annoying ads and most of these ads are pop ads that will pop out on your screen. Other ads are pop-under and these will appear under your current browser. One more annoying ad is the ads that will open in a new tab that will automatically request you to install something which contains adware and malware and worst, viruses.
Second thing, why you wanna get that live m3u8 link is that you can directly play that link without using a web browser thru your locally installed VLC player, which is less hassle to do.
And the third is maybe you just wanna put that m3u8 link on your blog or website and have your own live streaming for free.
1. First that you need to do is open the website that contains the live streaming that you wanted to get the m3u8 link.
2. Let the live streaming play by pressing the play button.
3. While playing, right-click anywhere the web page and click Inspect (note I am using Google Chrome for this tutorial).
4. Now, click the mouse pointer located at the left of the Elements tab. See the image below.
5. After clicking the mouse pointer, click your mouse pointer directly inside the live streaming that is currently playing.
6. After clicking the video, click inside the code and press CTRL + F to find a string.
7. Now type m3u8 and the link will be automatically highlighted.
8. Double click the link, right click and then click Copy.
9. Open a Notepad to copy and separate the m3u8 link to the codes that you do not need.
Now that you have the m3u8 link of the live streaming, you can open your VLC player (updated). Go to Media > Open Media Stream > Network tab > then paste the m3u8 link and hit the Play button.
You can also watch the video below on How to be able to easily extract the m3u8 link of any sports or live streaming to see an actual tutorial that I personally performed and uploaded using my Youtube channel. Do not forget to watch the video in full-screen mode and change the Quality to a higher one to see the tutorial more clearly. Watch the video here.
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