Update: We have the latest LET Reviewer 2023 version. Make sure to watch the video below because you can find there the link for the LET Reviewer download 2023.

1. To come closer to the truth we need to “go back to the things themselves.” This is the advice of the
A. behaviorists
B. phenomenologists ✔
C. idealists
D. pragmatists

2.Student B claims: "I cannot see perfection but I long for it. So it must be real." Under which group can he be classified?
A. Idealist
B. Empiridst
C. Realist
D. Pragmatist. ✔

 3.Which of the following prepositions is attributed to Plato?
A. Truth is relative to a particular time and place.
B. Human beings create their own truths.
C. Learning is the discovery of truth as Iatent ideas are brought to consciousness.
D. Sense perception is the most accurate guide to knowledge.

 4.On whose philosophy was A. S. Neil's Summerhill, one of the most experimental schools, based?
A. Rousseau ✔
B. Pestalozzi
C. Montessori
D. John Locke

 5.As a teacher, you are a rationalist. Which among these will be your guiding principle?
A. I must teach the child that we can never have real knowledge of anything.
B. I must teAch the child to develop his mental powers to the full. ✔
C. I must teach the child so he is assured of heaven.
D. I must teach the child every knowledge, skill, and value that he needs for a better future.

 6.Teacher U teaches to his pupils that pleasure is not the highest good. Teacher's teaching is against what philosophy?
A. Realism
B. Hedonism ✔
C. Epicureanism
D. Empiricism

 7Who among the following puts more emphasis on core requirements, longer school day, longer academic year and more challenging textbooks?
A. Perennialist
B. Essentialist ✔
C. Progressivist
D. Existentialist

8Which group of philosophers maintain that "truth exists in an objective order that is independent of the knower"?
A. Idealists
B. Pragmatists
C. Existentialists
D. Realists ✔

9. You arrive at knowledge by re-thinking of latent ideas. From whom does this thought come?
A. Experimentalist ✔
B. Realist
C. Idealist
D. Existentialist

 10. As a teacher, you are a reconstructionist. Which among these will be your guiding principle?
A. I must teach the child every knowledge, skill, and value that he needs for a better future. ✔
B. I must teach the child to develop his mental powers to the full.
C. I must teach the child so he is assured of heaven.
D. I must teach the child that we can never have real knowledge of anything.

11 Teacher B engages her students with information for thorough understanding for meaning and for competent application. Which principle governs Teacher B's practice?
A. Contructivist
B. Gestalt
C. Behaviorist
D. Cognitivist ✔

12. Which is/are the sources of man's intellectual drives, according to Freud?
A. Id
B. Superego
C. Id and ego ✔
D. Ego

13. Soc exhibits fear response to freely roaming dogs but does not show fear when a dog is on a leash or confined to a pen. Which conditioning process is illustrated
A. Generalization
B. Extinction
C. Acquisition
D. Discrimination ✔

14 The concepts of trust vs. maturity, autonomy vs. self-doubt, and initiative vs. guilt are most closely related with the works of __________.
A. Erikson ✔
B. Piaget
C. Freud
D. Jung

15. Teacher F is convinced that whenever a student performs a desired behavior, provided reinforcement and soon the student will learn to perform the behavior on his own. On which principle is Teacher F's conviction based?
A. Cognitivism
B. Environmentalism ✔
C. Behaviorism
D. Constructivism

16. In a social studies class, Teacher I presents a morally ambiguous situation and asks his students what they would do. On whose theory is Teacher I's technique based?
A. Kohlberg
B. Bandura ✔
C. Piaget
D. Bruner

17 Based on Freud's psychoanalytic theory which component(s) of personality is (are) concerned with a sense of right and wrong?
A. Super-ego ✔
B. Super-ego and Ego
C. ld
D. Ego

18. Which does Naom Chomsky, assert about language learning for children?
I. Young children learn and apply grammatical rules and vocabulary as they are exposed to them.
II. Begin formal teaching of grammatical rules to children as early as possible.III. Do not require initial formal language teaching for children.
A. I and III
B. II only
C. I only ✔

19 Which teaching activity is founded on Bandura's Social Learning Theory?
A. Lecturing
B. Modeling ✔
C. Questioning
D. lnductive Reasoning

20.  Behavior followed by pleasant consequences will be be strengthened and will be more likely to occur in the future. Behavior followed by unpleasant consequences will be weakened and will be less likely to be repeated in the future. Which one is explained?
A. Freud's Psychoanalytic Theory
B. Thorndike's Law of Effect
C. B. F. Skinner's Operant Conditioning Theory ✔
D. Bandura's Social Learning Theory

21. Bruner's theory on intellectual development moves from enactive to iconic and symbolic stages. In which stage(s) are diagrams helpful to accompany verbal information?
A. Enactive and iconic
B. Symbolic ✔
C. Symbolic and enactive
D. Iconic

22 In a treatment for alcoholism, Ramil was made to drink an alcoholic beverage and then made to ingest a drug that produces nausea. Eventually, he was nauseated at the sight and smell of alcohol and stopped drinking alcohoL Which theory explains this?
A. Operant conditioning
B. Social Learning Theory
C. Associative Learning ✔
D. Attribution Theory

23 A mother gives his boy his favorite snack everytime the boy cleans up his room. Afterwards, the boy cleaned his room everyday in anticipation of the snack. Which theory is illustrated?
A. Associative Learning
B. Classical Conditioning
C. Operant Conditioning
D. Pavlonian Conditioning ✔

23 Researches conducted show that teacher's expectations of students become. Do not require initial formal language teaching for children self-fulfilling prophecies. What is this phenomenon called?
A. Halo effect
B. Pygmalion effect ✔
C. Ripple effect
D. Hawthorne effect

24 What does extreme authoritarianism in the home reinforce in learners?
A. Doing things on their own initiative
B. Ability to direct themselves. ✔
C. Dependence on others for direction.
D. Creativity in work.

25 Theft of school equipment like tv, computer, etc. by teenagers in the community itself is becoming a common phenomenon. What does this incident signify?
A. Prevalence of poverty in the community.
B. Inability of school to hire security guards.
C. Deprivation of Filipino schools.
D. Community's lack of sense of co-ownership. ✔

26 A student passes a research report poorly written but ornately presented in a folder to make up for the poor quality of the book report content. Which Filipino trait does this practice prove? Emphasis on __________.
A. art over academics
B. substance over "porma"
C. art over science
D. "porma" over substance ✔

27 Student Z does not study at all but when the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) comes, before he takes the LET, he spends one hour or more praying for a miracle, i.e. to pass the exam. Which attitude towards religion or God is displayed?
A. Religion as fake
B. Religion as magic ✔
C. Religion as authentic
D. Religion as real

28 During the Spanish period, what was/were the medium/media of instruction in schools?
A. The Vernacular
B. English
C. Spanish
D. Spanish and the Vernacular ✔

29 All subjects in Philippine elementary and secondary schools are expected to be taught using the integrated approach. This came about as a result of the implementation of _________.
A. Program for Decentralized Education
B. School-Based Management
C. Basic Education Curriculum ✔
D. Schools First Initiative

30 Under which program were students who were not accommodated in public elementary and secondary schools because of lack of classroom, teachers, and instructional materials, were enrolled in private schools in their respective communities at the government's expense?
A. Government Assistance Program
B. Study Now-Pay Later
C. Educational Service Contract System
D. National Scholarship Program ✔

31. What was the most prominent educational issue of the mid 1980s?
A. Bilingual Education ✔
B. Values Education
C. Accountability
D. Mainstreaming

  32 Availment of the Philippine Education Placement Test (PEPT) for adults and out-of-school youths is in support of the goverriment'S educational program towards __________.
A. equitable access ✔
B. quality
C. quality and relevance
D. relevance

32 The main purpose of compulsory study of the Constitution is to __________
A. develop students into responsible, thinking citizens ✔
B. acquaint students with the historical development of the Philippine Constitution
C. make constitutional experts of the students
D. prepare students for law-makinig

33. Which one may support equitable access but may sacrifice quality?
A. Open admission ✔
B. School accreditation
C. Deregulated tuition fee hike
D. Selective retention

34.  With which goals of educational institutions as provided for by the Constitution is the development of work skills aligned?
A. To develop moral character
B. To teach the duties of citizenship
C. To inculcate love of country
D. To develop vocational efficiency ✔

35 Studies in the areas of neurosciences disclosed that the human brain has limitless capacity. What does this imply?
A. Some pupils are admittedly not capable of learning.
B. Every pupil has his own native ability and his learning is limited to this native abilty.
C. Every child is a potential genius. ✔
D. Pupils can possibly reach a point where they have learned everything.

36 Based on Piaget's theory, what should a teacher provide for children in the concrete operational stage?
A. Activities for hypothesis formulation.
B. Learning activities that involve problems of classification and ordering. ✔
C. Games and other physical activities to develop motor skills.
D. Stimulating environment with ample objects to play with.

37 Based on Piaget's theory, what should a teacher provide for children in the sensimotor stage?
A. Games and other physical activities to develop motor skill. ✔
B. Learning activities that involve problems of classification and ordering.
C. Activities for hypothesis formulation.
D. Stimulating environment with ample objects to play with.

38. Which behavior is exhibited by a student who is strong in interpersonal intelligence?
A. Works on his/her own.
B. Keeps interest to himself/herself.
C. Seeks out a classmate for help when problem occurs. ✔
D. Spends time meditating.

39 A sixth grade twelve-year old boy comes from a dysfunctional family and has been abused and neglected. He has been to two orphanages and three different elementary schools. The student can decode on the second grade level, but he can comprehend orally material at the fourth or fifth grade level. The most probable cause/s of this student's reading problem is/are __________.
A. emotional factors
B. poor teaching
C. neurological factors ✔

40. A child who gets punished for stealing candy may not steal again immediately. But this does not mean that the child may not steal again. Based on Thorndike's theory on punishment and learning, this shows that __________
A. punishment strengthens a response
B. punishment removes a response
C. punishment does not remove a response ✔
D. punishment weakens a response

41  It is not wise to laugh at a two-year old child when he utters bad word because in his stage he is learning to __________.
A. consider other's views ✔
B. distinguish sex differences
C. socialize
D. distinguish right from wrong

42 John Watson said: "Men are built not born." What does this statement point to?
A. The ineffectiveness of training on a person's development.
B. The effect of environmental stimulation on a person's development. ✔
C. The absence of genetic influence on a person's development.
D. The effect of heredity.

43  Which types of play is most characteristic of a four to six-year old child?
A. Solitary and onlooker plays
B. Associative and cooperative plays ✔
C. Associative and onlooker plays
D. Cooperative and solitary plays

44 All of the following describe the development of children aged eleven to thirteen EXCEPT __________.
A. they shift from impulsivity to adaptive ability ✔
B. sex differences in IQ becomes more evident
C. they exhibit increase objectivity in thinking
D. they show abstract thinking and judgement

45 Rodel is very aloof and cold in his relationships with his classmates. Which basic goal must haye not been attained by Rodel during his developmental years, according to Erikson's theory on psychological development?
A. Autonomy
B. Trust ✔
C. Initiative
D. Generativity

46  Ruben is very attached to his mother and Ruth to her father. In what developmental stage are they according to Freudian psychological theory?
A. Oedipal stage ✔
B. Latent stage
C. Annal stage
D. Pre-genital stage

47  Which assumption underlies the teacher's use of performance objectives?
A. Not every form of learning is observable.
B. Performance objectives assure the learrier of learning.
C. Learning is defined as a change in the learner's observable performance. ✔
D. The success of learner is based on teacher performance.

48  The principle of individual differences requires teachers to __________.
A. give greater attention to gifted learners
B. provide for a variety of learning activities ✔
C. treat all learners alike while in the classroom
D. prepare modules for slow learners in class

49 In instructional planning it is necessary that the parts of the plan from the first to the last have __________.
A. clarity
B. symmetry
C. coherence
D. conciseness

50. A goal-oriented instruction culminates in __________.
A. planning of activities ✔
B. evaluation
C. identification of topics
D. formulation of objectives

51 A teacher's summary of a lesson serves the following functions, EXCEPT
A. it links the parts of the lesson
B. lt brings together the information that has been discussed ✔
C. it makes provisions for full participation of students.
D. it clinches the basic ideas or concepts of the lesson.

52 In Krathwohl's affective domain of objectives, which of the following is the lowest level of affective behavior?
A. Valuing
B. Characterization
C. Responding
D. Organization ✔

53 The following are used in writing performance objectives, EXCEPT
A. delineate ✔
B. diagram
C. integrate
D. comprehend

54  If a teacher plans a constructivist lesson, what will he most likely do? Plan how he can
A. do evaluate his students' work
B. do reciprocal teaching
C. lecture to his students
D. engage his students in convergent thinking ✔

55  In mastery learning, the definition of an acceptable standard of performance is called a
B. criterion measure ✔
C. behavior
D. condition

  56 The primary objective of my lesson is: "To add similar fractions correctly." Before I can do this I must first aim at this specific objective: "To distinguish a numerator from a nominator." What kind of objective is the latter?
A. Major
B. Terminal
C. Enabling ✔
D. Primary

57As a teacher, what do you do when you engage yourself in major task analysis?
A. Test if learning reached higher level thinking skills.
B. Breakdown a complex task into sub-skills. ✔
C. Determine the level of thinking involved.
D. Revise lesson objectives.

  58 Teacher G's lesson objective has something to do with the skill of synthesizing? Which behavioral term is most appropriate?
A. Test
B. Assess
C. Appraise
D. Theorize ✔

59 In Krathwohl's taxonomy of objectives in the affective, which is most authentic?
A. Characterization
B. Orgarlization
C. Responding
D. Valuing ✔

60  "A stitch on time saves nine", so goes the adage.. Applied to classroom management, this means that we __________
A. may not occupy ourselves with disruptions which are worth ignoring because they are minor
B. must be reactive in our approach to discipline
C. have to resolve minor disruptions before they are out of control ✔
D. may apply 9 rules out of 10 consistently

61 How can you exhibit referent power on the first day of school?
A. By making them feel you know what you are talking about.
B. By telling them the importance of good grades.
C. By reminding your students your authority over them again and again.
D. By giving your students a sense of belonging and acceptance.

62 Teacher B clears his throat to communicate disapproval of a student's behavior. Which specific influence technique is this?
A. Signal interference ✔
B. Direct appeal
C. Interest boosting
D. Proximity control

63  Teacher H strives to draw participation of every student into her classroom discussion. Which student's need is she trying to address? The need __________
A. to show their oral abilities to the rest of the class
B. to be creative
C. to feel significant and be part of a group ✔
D. to get everything out in the open

64  Which is a sound classroom management practice?
A. Avoid establishing routines; routines make your student robots.
B. Establish routines for all daily needs and tasks. ✔
C. Apply rules and policies on a case to case basis.
D. Apply reactive approach to discipline.

65 An effective classroom manager uses low-profile classroom control. Which is a low-profile classroom technique?
A. Note to parents
B. After-school detention
C. Withdrawal of privileges
D. Raising the pitch of the voice ✔

66  Which is one characteristic of an effective classroom management?
A. It quickly and unobtrusively redirects misbehavior once it occurs. ✔
B. It teaches dependence on others for self-control.
C. It respects cultural norms of a limited group students.
D. Strategies are simple enough to be used consistently.

67 How can you exhibit legitimate power on the first day of school?
A. By making your students feel they are accepted for who they are.
B. By informing them you are allowed to act in loco parentis.
C. By making them realize the importance of good grades.
D. By making them feel you have mastery of subject matter. ✔

68 With-it-ness, according to Kounin, is one of the characteristics of an effective classroom manager. Which phrase goes with it?
A. Have hands that write fast.
B. Have eyes on the back of your heads.
C. Have a mouth ready to speak.
D. Have minds packed with knowledge. ✔

69 Which is an appropriate way to manage off-task behavior?
A. Make eye contact.
B. Stop your class activity to correct a child who is no longer on task.
C. Move closer to the child.
D. Redirect a child's attention to task and check his progress to make sure he is continuing to work. ✔

70  Referring to Teacher S, Nicolle describes her teacher as "fair, caring and someone you can talk to." Which power or leadership does Teacher S have?
A. Referent power
B. Legitimate power ✔
C. Reward power
D. Expert power

71  Research tells that teachers ask mostly content questions. Which of the following terms does NOT refer to content question?
A. Closed ✔
B. Direct
C. Concept
D. Convergent

Question: Which questioning strategy/ies does/do the exchange of thoughts above illustrate?
A. Funneling
B. Sowing and reaping
C. Nose-dive
D. Extending and lifting ✔

73 Which questioning practice promotes more class interaction?
A. Asking the question before calling on a student.
B. Focusing on divergent questions. ✔
C. Focusing on convergent questions.
D. Asking rhetorical questions.

74  Which technique should a teacher use to encourage response if his students do not respond to his question?
A. Ask a specific student to respond, state the question, and wait a response. ✔
B. Tell the class that it will have detention unless answer are forthcoming.
C. Ask another question, an easier one.
D. Wait for a response.

75   Teacher P wants to develop the skill of synthesizing in her pupils. Which one will she do?
A. Ask her students to formulate a generalization from the data shown in graphs. ✔
B. Ask her students to answer questions beginning with "What if ... "
C. Tell her pupils to state data presented in graphs.
D. Directs her students to ask questions on the parts of the lesson not understood.

76  The following are sound specific purposes of questions EXCEPT
A. to call the attention of an inattentive student ✔
B. to teach via student answers
C. to stimulate learners to ask questions
D. to arouse interest and curiosity

 77 For maximum interaction, a teacher ought to avoid __________ questions.
A. informational
B. rhetorical
C. leading ✔
D. divergent

78  If teacher has to ask more higher-order questions, he has to ask more __________ questions.
A. closed
B. fact
C. concept
D. convergent ✔

79 Which is NOT a sound purpose for asking questions?
A. To probe deeper after an answer is given.
B. To discipline a bully in class. ✔
C. To remind students of a procedure.
D. To encourage self-reflection.

80  Principal B tells her teachers that training in the humanities is most important. To which educational philosophy does he adhere?
A. Existentialism ✔
B. Perennialism
C. Progressivism
D. Essentialism

81 Principal C shares this thought with his teachers: "Subject matter should help students understand and appreciate themselves as unique individuals who accept complete responsibility for their thoughts, feelings, and actions.” From which philosophy is this thought based?
A. Perennialism
B. Essentialism
C. Existentialism ✔
D. Progressivism

 82 To come closer to the truth we need to “go back to the things themselves.” This is the advice of the
A. behaviorists
B. phenomenologists ✔
C. idealists
D. pragmatists

83 Student B claims: "I cannot see perfection but I long for it. So it must be real." Under which group can he be classified?
A. Idealist
B. Empiridst
C. Realist
D. Pragmatist. ✔

`84 Which of the following prepositions is attributed to Plato?
A. Truth is relative to a particular time and place.
B. Human beings create their own truths.
C. Learning is the discovery of truth as Iatent ideas are brought to consciousness. ✔
D. Sense perception is the most accurate guide to knowledge.

85  You arrive at knowledge by re-thinking of latent ideas. From whom does this thought come?
A. Experimentalist ✔
B. Realist
C. Idealist
D. Existentialist

86  Which is/are the sources of man's intellectual drives, according to Freud?
A. Id
B. Superego
C. Id and ego ✔
D. Ego

86  Teacher F is convinced that whenever a student performs a desired behavior, provided reinforcement and soon the student will learn to perform the behavior on his own. On which principle is Teacher F's conviction based?
A. Cognitivism
B. Environmentalism
C. Behaviorism ✔
D. Constructivism

87  Which does Naom Chomsky, assert about language learning for children?
I. Young children learn and apply grammatical rules and vocabulary as they are exposed to them.
II. Begin formal teaching of grammatical rules to children as early as possible.III. Do not require initial formal language teaching for children.
A. I and III
B. II only
C. I only
D. I and II ✔

88  Which teaching activity is founded on Bandura's Social Learning Theory?
A. Lecturing
B. Modeling ✔
C. Questioning
D. lnductive Reasoning

89  Behavior followed by pleasant consequences will be be strengthened and will be more likely to occur in the future. Behavior followed by unpleasant consequences will be weakened and will be less likely to be repeated in the future. Which one is explained?
A. Freud's Psychoanalytic Theory
B. Thorndike's Law of Effect
C. B. F. Skinner's Operant Conditioning Theory ✔
D. Bandura's Social Learning Theory

90 Bruner's theory on intellectual development moves from enactive to iconic and symbolic stages. In which stage(s) are diagrams helpful to accompany verbal information?
A. Enactive and iconic
B. Symbolic ✔
C. Symbolic and enactive
D. Iconic

91 All of the following describe the development of children aged eleven to thirteen EXCEPT __________.
A. they shift from impulsivity to adaptive ability ✔
B. sex differences in IQ becomes more evident
C. they exhibit increase objectivity in thinking
D. they show abstract thinking and judgement

92 How can you exhibit expert power on the first day of school?
A. By making them feel you know what you are talking about. ✔
B. By making them realize the importance of good grades.
C. By reminding them your students your authority over them again and again.
D. By giving your students a sense of belonging and acceptance.

Source: Rogelio PerilloDador

You can download Professional Education 92 Questions with Answer Key here.