Here is the simple steps for you to be able to avail Globe's GoLEARN50 promo. This promo will give you 5 GB data for 3 days. But you can extend it using GOSURFBE34 and send it to 8080. This is exclusively for Globe subscribers only. And the promo is only available via GCash app. See the steps below to avail the promo.
1. Inside your GCash app, press Buy Load.
2. In the Buy Load For: type the number of one that will receive the GoLearn50 load.
3. Press NEXT button.
4. Press the Only On GCash tab which next to the Regular tab.
5. Find and press GoLearn50, and then press NEXT to continue.
6. In the Payment, just scroll down and press the Pay php 50.00 button.
7. Done.
If the transaction is successful, you will receive a text message from GCash saying:
"You have paid P50.00 of GCash to purchase GoLEARN50 for 09771234567 on 07-31-20 06:13 PM. Your GCash balance is P1730.14. Ref. No. 123456789."
"You have received P2.50 rebate for your load transaction. Ref. No. 45723473273..... Earn from your rebates by depositing it to your GSave account! Visit to start."
GoLEARN50 has 5 GB data which is good for 3 days only. You cannot register it manually because it is only through GCash that you can avail this very good promo.
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