STEPS: How to extract APK from Bluestacks to PC
1. Open your Bluestacks.
2. In the search field, type "FX File Explorer: the file manager with privacy" and press magnifying glass.
3. Click Visit Google Play.
4. Click Install.
5. Click Accept.
6. Wait for the FX File Explorer to complete its download.
7. After downloading, wait for the installation to finish also.
8. When finished installing, click the Open button to open the FX File Explorer.
9. Click Accept.
10. In the welcome menu, just drag the screen from right to left until you reach the image below. The "Start a 7-day trial of FX Plus" now is automatically selected. Now, click the magenta-coloured circle with a check to continue.
11. Inside the File Explorer, click Apps*.
12. Then locate and click "User-Installed Apps." These apps are all the apps that you installed inside your Bluestacks. You can get all its APK's one-by-one if you want using the FX File Explorer.
13. Now, you will see the list of all your Bluestacks apps. Select the app that you wanted to get the APK. For this tutorial, I will pick the GCash app.
14. Now, click the 3 white dots located on the upper right side of your screen.
15. In the dropdown menu, click Copy APK.
16. Then click the Back Arrow.
17. Inside your Bluestacks apps list, click the white-coloured Home icon.
18. Now, find the System folder and tap it.
19. Find the sdcard folder and click it. If there is no windows folder inside sdcard, go back to System and press the mnt folder instead.
20. Find the Windows folder and click it.
21. Inside windows, go and find the BstSharedFolder folder.
22. Now, press the 1 copied that you will see at the top of the screen.
23. Then click PASTE.
24. Your app is now inside the BstSharedFolder that is also accessible inside your laptop or computer's Program Data folder.
25. To copy your APK file, just go to Start > Computer, This PC > C drive > Program Data > BlueStacks > Engine > UserData > SharedFolder. (C:\ProgramData\BlueStacks\Engine\UserData\SharedFolder)
If you cannot view the Program Data inside your C drive, then it must be hidden. Go to Start > Control Panel > Folder Options > View tab > in the "Hidden Files and Folders" select "Show hidden files, folders, and drives."
If your FX File Explorer already expired, because it only has 7-day validity, just uninstall it and install it again.
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