If you want to download
GCash APK file directly using your
laptop or
pc, then, you are in the right place. Today, we will be
downloading GCash APK
without the use of your mobile phone. See the tutorial below.
How to download GCash APK using Computer
1. First, open your Google search and type gcash app.
2. In the search results, find the one with Google Play on its link and click that one. You can also try to visit the official GCash Google Play page app
3. Inside the GCash app Google Play page, find its URL in the URL address.
4. Select the complete URL, right-click and then click on COPY.
5. Now, visit
Evozi APK Downloader, click
Paste your URL on the
blank space. (Right-click the blank space and click on
PASTE). Then,
click the
Generate Download Link button.
6. Wait for the page to finish searching and downloading your APK file on their server.
7. When done, you will there the
Click here to download com.globe.gcash.android now,
click that button to download your
GCash APK app. You will also see there the Package name which is com.globe.gcash.androdid, the file size, QR code, SHA1 hash, last fetcheng, and the version of the app. See the image below.
8. And done! Just wait for the download to finish.
Additional Information:
Question: Is this the original GCash APK app?
Answer: YES! We downloaded it directly from Evozi using its direct Google Play URL.
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