I am a newbie user of Synfig and mirroring an image using the Mirror Tool is kind of difficult for me to use. Today, I will show you how to easily mirror an image, or shape or anything that you want to mirror not by using the Mirror Tool but by using Transformation.

How to mirror image or shape in Synfig

✅ Inside Synfig, click the image that you wanted to mirror. I imported a cartoon monkey image inside my workspace and I will going to mirror this one for this tutorial. See image below.

✅ Make sure your image is already selected. In the Parameters located in the lower-left corner of your screen, click on Transformation.

✅ Under Transformation find Angle and Skew Angle.

✅ Click on the Value of Angle and change 0 to 180. Do the same for Skew Angle, change the value 0 to -180 and press Enter.

✅ And your image is now mirrored.

✅ Done!