As you can see, my blog 123how has a domain .xyz and as of posting, all my 37 posts except for the 3 posts are not yet indexed by Google. I already added on Google Search Console but when I add the sitemap.xml of my blog, Google couldn't fetch it at all. And clicking the error will lead me to another error saying sitemap could not be read.

I read many forums, and they said one of the reasons for this error is that my blog is just a new one. And as my blog gets older, Google Search Console will automatically read my sitemap.xml.

For this post, I will just show you how to still submit another form of sitemap if sitemap.xml is couldn't be fetched at all for XYZ domain websites or blogs.

Important Update:

Atom.xml sitemap is only good for 26 posts or articles. I tried to submit the sitemap with this URL: and it worked for my XYZ blog. This kind of sitemap reads 150 posts per page. Try it now in your own website or blog, and see if it also works. When your posts or articles reaches 151, then, you can try submitting the sitemap.xml?page=2, and so on.

Here are the steps on how to submit sitemap for XYZ domain in Google

1. Login your Google Search Console account. Click Search Properties and find your XYZ domain if you already added it. If not yet, then, add it first. You can follow this tutorial: Verify Domain Ownership Via DNS Record Google Search Console. Assuming that you already added one, select your XYZ domain.

select your xyz domain in google search console

2. In your domain, under Index click Sitemaps.

search console sitemap

3. In Add a new sitemap, type your sitemap URL like this:

add atom.xml sitemap

4. Press SUBMIT button when done.

submit atom.xml sitemap

5. Your sitemap was submitted successfully. Press GOT IT to close.

sitemap submitted successfully

6. As you can see on my submitted sitemaps. The ATOM.XML status is Success and Type is recognized by search console as ATOM while the SITEMAP.XML is Couldn't fetch and its type is unknown.

sitemap.xml and atom.xml inside google search console

Done! You have successfully submitted an ATOM.XML sitemap for your XYZ domain website.

If you have question, leave a comment below. Thanks!