61. Children are in pursuit of a dog whose leash has broken. James is directly behind the dog. Ruby is behind James. Rachel is behind Ruby. Max is ahead of the dog walking down the street in the opposite direction. As the children and dog pass, Max turns around and joins the pursuit. He runs in behind Ruby. James runs faster and is alongside the dog on the left. Ruby runs faster and is alongside the dog on the right. Which child is directly behind the dog?
a. James
b. Ruby
c. Rachel
d. Max

62. Tom puts on his socks before he puts on his shoes. He puts on his shirt before he puts on his jacket. Tom puts on his shoes before he puts on his shirt. If the first two statements are true, the third statement is
a. true
b. false
c. uncertain.

63. Tanya is older than Eric. Cliff is older than Tanya. Eric is older than Cliff. If the first two statements are true, the third statement is
a. true
b. false
c. uncertain

64. Statement: In the recently held all Philippine Nursing conference, the session on ‘Vacination
Campaign’ surprisingly attracted a large number of participants and also received very good media coverage.
I. Media is always very positive towards the Service sector.
II. The service sector is managed properly in Philippines.
III. People weren’t expecting such an encouraging response to the service sector conference.

a. I, II, and III
b. I and III
c. I and II
d. II and III
e. III only

65. Subscribing to Cable T.V. is a luxury. All luxuries are needles expenditures. Having a cellular phone is not a luxury. Dining in a Five-Star hotel is a needless expenditure
a. Having a cellular phone is not a needless expenditure
b. Subscribing to Cable TV is a needless expenditure
c. Subscribing to cable TV is not a needless expenditure
d. Dining in a Five-Star hotel is not a luxury
e. Dining in a Five-Star hotel is a luxury

66. A factory worker has five children. No one else in the factory has five children.
a. All workers in the factory have five children each.
b. Everybody in the factory has children.
c. Some of the factory workers have more than five children.
d. Only one worker in the factory has exactly five children.

67. Television convinces viewers that the likelihood of their becoming the victim of a violent crime is extremely high; at the same time by its very nature, TV persuades viewers to passively accept whatever happens to them.
a. TV viewing promotes criminal behaviour.
b. TV viewers are most likely to be victimized than others.
c. People should not watch TV.
d. TV promotes a feeling of helpless vulnerability in viewers.

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