1. The most effective way of teaching young pupils the concept of moral values.
a. provision of role modeling b. setting of rules of conduct
c. reading of stories with moral values d. imposition of punitive measures
Ans: a
2. Best guide in handling disciplinary problems in school
a. upholding the dignity of the individual at all cast within a realistic teacher – pupil realationship b. negative approach such as sarcasm, ridicule, intimidation and the like should never be used.
c. prohibition on the use of corporal punishment and other harmful methods d. vigilance and alertness by the teacher in sensing the needs of the pupils.
Ans: a
3. Joselito has been disturbing the class by his unruly behavior. As the teacher, what should you do first?
a. call his parents to a dialogue
b. explain to him the bad effects on his behavior c. bring him to the principal’s office
d. scold him in front of his classmates
Ans: b
4. What guidance principle is upheld when a counselor refuses to divulge the result of the standardized test to another person?
a. mutuality b. counseling
c. confidentiality d. objectivity
Ans: c
5. Aurora is lagging behind in the academic work. she should be:
a. given remedial instructions b. given special curriculum
c. place in a special education class
d. place with students with low abilities
Ans: c
6. First step in the organizational of an effective guidance program. a. evaluation of the guidance program
b. allocation of duties and responsibilities c. structuring of the organizational plan
d. formulation of the goals ang objectives of the program
7. What does it mean when one say “Punish the act, not the child”?
a. the act must be condemned for all its negative effects
b. punishment imposed depending on the gravity of the act or offense c. identify first the causes of the offense
d. the child must be advised not to repeat the offense
Ans: c
8. Bernardo has a problem of frequent absences and tardiness in submitting class requirements. This could be a result of?
a. poor study habits
b. low level of aspiration c. lack of motivation
d. low intelligence
Ans: c
9. A child develops self-confidence if?
a. he is praised and acknowledge of his good deed b. he is treated justly and fairly
c. he is ignored when he commits mistakes d. ho is allowed to do whatever he wants
Ans: a
10. Which of the following statement is TRUE being a sound principle of guidance?
a. it is curative rather than preventive
b. problem focused rather than person – centered c. it is prescriptive rather than suggestive
d. it is preventive rather than curative
Ans: d
11. Which of the following is the mean purpose of testing?
a. facilitate the learning process
b. enhance the effectiveness of counseling c. improved instructional process
d. all of the above
Ans: b
12. Which of the following records students’ typical or unusual behavior?
a. attitude report
b. narrative report c. aptitude report
d. anecdotal record
13. The counseling process which summarizes and organizes data to determine the student’s positive and
negative qualities a. diagnosis
b. prognosis c. analysis
d. synthesis
Ans: d
14. It refers to a counselor’s prediction of the client’s future developments
a. prognosis b. diagnosis c. analysis
d. synthesis
Ans: a
15. Refers to when the counselor shows that he feels what his client feels a. assimilation
b. empathy c. warmth
d. acceptance
Ans: b
16. Which of the following is a characteristic of a good guidance program?
a. reaches all members of the academic community b. provides for coordinated activity and effort
c. provides for a continuous in – service education for teachers
d. all of the above statements are correct e. only b and c statements are correct
Ans: d
17. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE of the principle of guidance a. guidance is concerned with prevention
b. guidance workers should observe a code of ethics c. guidance should be continuing process
d. all of the above
e. none of the above
Ans: e
18. Which of the following situation will most likely need guidance counseling?
a. when the student is unaware that he has a certain problem but is unable to cope with it intelligently b. when the student is suffuring from a major handicap and maladjustment which demands careful
c. when the student need an interesting interpretation of an information which meets his own personal difficulties
d. only a and b
e. all of the above
Ans: e
19. The feeling of being threatened by an overzealous and over thinking student oftentimes cause insecurity in the teacher aggressive behavior?
a. Remain calm help the class give suggestions on how to handles the situation b. Beat around the blush. Bluff.
c. Help the erring student. Show you appreciate his thoughts. d. Ignore it and just remain quite
Ans: a
20. Why should the practice of giving punishments or giving low or failing grades as a form of discipline be avoided?
a. so as not to incite anger from student b. failure may result in low aspirations
c. because student have negative attitudes towards punishment d. punishment does not develop self discipline
Ans: b
21. In a class of 45 students. you observed that majority are cheating during examinations. You know that the teacher knows this simply refuses to take steps to correct this misconduct. What is the best to correct the situation?
a. Call your co – teacher’s attention to the situation
b. Simply ignore the situation
c. Suggest establishing class officers through which the problem of cheating be solved d. Since the class always tops the examination in school, leave
Ans: c
22. Carlo continuously creates trouble in and out of the classroom. You have received complaints about him being a bully, but he is one of the poorest students in your class. What seems to be his problem?
a. He is lazy, good for nothing boy although he can beat his records if he tries. b. He is one of the students whose parents don’t care
c. Carlo is an attention – getter. If even the chance, he can beat his own record.
d. If found to be wanting in attention, Carlo should be helped by recognizing his potentials. be it in academics or sports or service.
Ans: d
23. Expressing freely your opinion about an issue, whether generally acceptable or not is a democratic process.
In your class, a student always negatively opines that the class fails for insightful think through the issue. How will you handle this behavior?
a. Let go of his thinking, after all, this is a democratic country
b. Stop his negativism
c. Recognize his differing view but encourage the class to share their thoughts about the negative response.
d. Embarrass him so he will keep quiet.
Ans: c
24. A second year transferee is quite withdrawn from his classmates. What should be done to help him join his classmates?
a. give him ample time to socialize
b. assign a group of his classmates to be with him c. determine the cause of his behavior
d. encourage and support him by calling during recitations
Ans: a
25. In San Bartolome Elementary School, intelligent pupils or fast learners have their classes in the afternoon.
Seven of the intelligent pupils are bottled water who earn a living in the afternoon, thus, they cannot attend their classes full time.
How can the counselor help the pupils?
a. Request the teacher concerned to give remedial classes to the affected pupils b. Convince the parents to stop their children from vending
c. The counselor will conduct remedial classes for the working pupils
d. Make arrangements with the school principal and the teacher to adjust the schedule of the affected pupils
Ans: d
26. What approach does a teacher uses when she provides a classroom environment with opportunities for students to attain self – actualization of his potential and abilities?
a. Punitive
b. Developmental c. Prophylactic
d. Remedial
Ans: c
27. What counseling strategy would the teacher use if she wants to utilize interpreting and giving instructions imparting of new ideas and information to shape subsequent behavior, thoughts or feelings
a. Informative
b. Confronting c. Cathartic
d. Supportive
Ans: a
28. This means instructing the child in the ethical principles, why and how to decide and act according to principles. Its goal is to motivate the child to have a self – discipline
a. Guidance
b. Counselling c. Modelling
d. Discipline
Ans: d
29. One of the two major style of counseling where the counselor directs, instruct, or guides the person in need to an appropriate action.
a. Developmental b. Prescriptive
c. Confronting d. Emphatic
Ans: b
30. What else should a counselor do to make follow up service functional aside from knowing the reasons or cause of a particular situation?
a. Disseminate the information as to the reasons of a particular situation b. Inform the parents of the reasons
c. Conduct an exit interview
Ans: d
Source: Pangan & Novales
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