For this post I will show you how to buy load for any network (Smart, TNT, Sun, Globe, and TM) using ShopeePay inside your Shopee app. But first, to be able to do the given tutorial below, make sure you already met the following requirement:
  • Make sure you have enough balance in your ShopeePay wallet. If you do not have funds inside your ShopeePay wallet yet, then, you might wanna consider to top-up your ShopeePay wallet using your GCash wallet. For the tutorial, visit here.
Also read:
And if you are done with the listed requirement above, you can now start this simple tutorial and load your mobile phone with the load that you needed instantly via ShopeePay. Good thing about buying load using ShopeePay is that you will really get big discounts. For example, if you bought P20 load, you will just pay P16. So, that's PHP4/PHP20 = 0.2 or a whopping 20% discount already. And if you have redeemed some coins, then, you can also use that coins to further lower the price of your load purchase like what I did in the tutorial below.

How to Buy Smart/TNT/Sun, Globe/TM Load using ShopeePay

1. Open your Shopee app. Find and press the Load & Bills icon.

2. Inside Load, Bills & eServices, press MOBILE LOAD.

3. In the Select Operator, press your currently used operator. For this tutorial, I will be loading my Globe Tattoo stick, so, I selected Globe. If you have TNT sim or number, just select Smart. And if you have TM number, then, press Globe also.

4. Inside Mobile Load, type the number of the load receiver.  Select the amount of load you want to buy. I selected 20 which is worth only P16. Just press the Checkout button to continue.

5. Inside Checkout, press Payment Option > ShopeePay. If you have available redeemed coins, then, you can also use it to get discount. I redeemed 3 coins and applied it for this load purchase. So instead of P16, I will only pay P13. Just press the Pay Now button to continue. If you want to also redeem free coins in your Shopee account, you can follow the tutorial here: How to Earn P10 Shopee Coins a Month Free

6. In the next page, just enter your current ShopeePay or Shopee PIN to continue.

7. Lastly, if the transaction is successful, you will then see a Payment Successful message. Your order will be processed shortly. The load will then be sent to your mobile number instantly. You can also press the View Order Details for more information about your purchase.

8. Inside your Order Details. You will see there the load amount you bought using ShopeePay. The total price, order ID, date/time of the transaction, payment method used, and the coins you used for discount.

9. Lastly, before pressing the Order Received button inside your Shopee app, make sure you already received the load in your mobile phone number. Once received, you can now press the Order Received button in your Shopee app.

Note: This tutorial was done using mobile phone.