Before you can apply for a Salary Loan, or Unemployment Benefit in SSS (Social Security System), you must first have an enrolled Disbursement Account. There are many ways to have one enrolled account, like through different banks. But, for this post, we will enroll one, using GCash wallet. But, before you proceed doing the tutorial below, make sure you meet the following requirements.
  • You must have a fully verified GCash account.
If you are sure that you met the listed requirement above, then proceed doing the tutorial below.

How to Enroll Disbursement Account in SSS using GCash

1. Visit the SSS Member page here. Type your USER ID and Password. Do not forget to check I'm not a robot. Then, press the Submit button to proceed.

2. Inside your SSS account, press the E-SERVICES tab, then press Disbursement Account Enrollment Module.

3. In the PDF file that will appear, just check the I certify that I have read and understood the foregoing reminders on account enrollment. And then, press the Proceed button.

4. In the Disbursement Account Enrollment Module, do the following:
  • PESONet Participant Name: select E-WALLET / RTC / CPO, then GCash.
  • Mobile Number / Confirm Mobile Number: Type your GCash mobile number
  • Attach Supporting Documents: select E-wallet {screenshot of mobile app account} - see the sample screenshot below
  • In the Choose File button: browse and attach your screenshot. Note: File name of the screenshot must only contain alphanumeric characters. To perform a screenshot in your phone, just hold the Volume down key and the Power key (Side key) simultaneously.
When done, check the I agree that the information (personal and/or sensitive personal data as provided under the Data Protection Act of 2012) collected through this form/module shall be used and retained by SSS for the processing of benefits, claims, and loans.

And now, press the Enroll Disbursement Account button to proceed.

Sample screenshot of a fully verified GCash account with name, and number on it.

5. Now, a message from will appear.
Your mobile number will be submitted to SSS. Do you want to continue?
Just press the OK button to proceed.
6. Your submitted GCash wallet with its corresponding mobile number will then appear inside the Enrolled Disbursement Account for Approval of Servicing Branch.

7. You can also check your registered email address in your SSS account and you will see an email from them about the Disbursement Account Enrollment Confirmation. It also contains the Transaction Number as well as the Date and Time of enrollment.

All you need to do now is just wait, most of the time the approval just takes less than a day.

8. After less than a day, SSS emailed me saying: 
Dear Sir/Madam,
We are pleased to inform you that your submitted proof of account under transaction number [..] has been processed and approved.
Thank you for using SSS website.
This is a system-generated e-mail. Please do not reply.

9. You can now re-open your SSS account. Go to E-SERVICESDisbursement Account Enrollment Module > check I certify that I have read and understood the foregoing reminders on account enrollment. > then press Proceed button.

Under Active Disbursement Account records with SSS, you will see there your approved and enrolled GCash account with its corresponding number.
10 Done!

Note: You can only enroll one (1) active Disbursement Account per bank or e-wallet.