If you are using your openline ZLT S10G 2.00, 2.03.3, 2.06.1, or the latest 2.10.1 with a Smart Rocket Sim registered with Unlidata 299, Unlidata 599, or FAM999 with internet but cannot browse certain apps or websites like Google, Lazada, Shopee, and other websites, then, all you need to do is follow the simple steps below.

ZLT S10G 2.00/2.03.3/2.06.1/2.10.1 with internet but cannot open/browse some website & apps

👉 Open your ZLT S10g gateway which

👉 Login. Username is user and password is @l03e1t3. Next to @ is small letter L followed by zero, number 3, letter e, number 1, letter t and 3.

👉 Inside Advanced press Settings (see image below). You can also press Device Settings > Advance Setting.

👉 Go to DHCP. Inside DHCP page, find DHCP DNS. Its default value is also

👉 From change it to and press the Apply button. is a Cloudflare free DNS, so it is secured. You can also use Google DNS which is

👉 A message saying: 
Your settings will take effect after restarting your device. Do you want to continue? 
Note: Click Yes to submit the request and restart the device. If you choose No, it means that you give up the current operation.
will appear. Just press Yes to proceed.

👉 You can now try to browse or open the websites or apps that you can't open before and see if it opens now.

👉 Done!