Transferring money from PayPal to GCash is a very convenient way to obtain your hard-earned money online. The good thing about cash in via PayPal is that there is no transfer fee. Your current PayPal balance which is in Philippine Peso or PHP is exactly what you will get when you cash in.

I am earning money from different advertisers online and they are sending me money via PayPal which is very easy to cash in to GCash and withdraw using my bank account which is also connected to GCash.

For this tutorial, I will show you how to do this, but first, you must do first the given tutorials below in the Requirements. Why do I need to do this? Because, you can't just transfer money from PayPal to GCash with a single press of a button. You first need to do the following:

Requirements to be able to transfer money from PayPal to GCash

  • You first need to convert your PayPal money to PHP or Philippine peso.
    • GCash won't accept cash in other denominations like US dollars, Yen, Pounds, etc.
    • So, if your PayPal money is not yet in PHP then, you need to convert it first.
    • Do this tutorial: HOW TO CONVERT USD TO PHP IN PAYPAL.
    • Skip this tutorial if your money is already in PHP.
  • When done with the conversion, you need to link your PayPal to GCash.

Assuming that you already done the given to tutorials below, then continue doing the steps below.

Here is the guide for you to be able to transfer money from your PayPal account to GCash.

1. Login and open your GCash account. Tap the +Cash In button.

cash in gcash

2. You can see PayPal in two locations. First is in My Linked Accounts and the other one is in Global Partners and Remittance. When you already see PayPal tap on it.

cash in paypal gcash

3. If you see this page, just press Got it to proceed.

cash in minimum 500 php

4. Inside PayPal to GCash, you will see there your current PayPal money which is already converted to PHP. Type the amount that you wanted to cash in. Note: The minimum PayPal cash in is PHP500, so if you do not have enough money, you won't be able to cash in also. When done typing your amount, press the NEXT button to confirm.

enter amount paypal available balance

5. You will be notified with the amount regarding your GCash cash in, press the Confirm button confirm.

confirm paypal gcash cash in paypal

6. You will then see that your cash in is being processed. It says that you need to wait up to 24 hours for the transaction to be completed. But the good thing here is, the cash in is real-time or instant. Tap Done to exit.

gcash cash-in via paypal being processed

7. Back to your GCash account, as I already said, almost all the time the cash in via PayPal is real-time or instant, so your GCash balance is now your combined previous balance and your money from PayPal.

gcash cash-in via paypal is successful see available balance

8. You will also received a message from GCash regarding the cash in.

gcash sms regarding funds received via paypal

9. Done! You have successfully transferred money from PayPal to GCash account.

Leave a comment below for your questions. Cheers!