Update (February 20, 2021): If you cannot make Bluestacks function in your computer or you do not want to download any emulator, you can still redeem Globe Rewards using your laptop or computer with our latest and newest tutorial here: How to Redeem Globe Rewards on Computer without using Blue stacks or any other emulators like LDPlayer.
Also read: Redeem Globe Rewards using computer only, no Bluestacks or emulator needed.
Accessing Globe Rewards will enable you to know your current earned points. These points can be used to redeem Globe promos.
To be able to access Globe Rewards using your computer, you need to install a program that will act as an android. You can follow the steps here: Open Globe Rewards in Computer using Bluestacks.
Now, assuming you are done with the downloading and installation. Continue by following the steps below.
1. Inside your Globe Rewards app, you will see there your current points. I currently have 8 points, so I am eligible to avail of the SURF1D. The promo costs 8 points, valid for 1 day, and it has 1 GB internet data.
2. Now, in the All Rewards, click View All.
3. Find Globe Promos, click it also.
4. I want to avail and redeem the SURF1D promo. For your own promo, just find it and click it.
5. A message will appear, it will explain the promo that you want to redeem. For mine, the SURF1D, it costs 8 points and 1GB for surfing for 1 day. Press the Redeem button to continue.
6. Now, just press the Confirm button.
7. It will now say that "A message from 4438 will arrive shortly. Hang on!". Just press the Got It! Button.
8. When your points got deducted, then you already claimed the reward.
9. To check whether you previously claimed it or not, go to your browser and access your Globe Tattoo dashboard. Note, I am using Globe Tattoo sim for this tutorial. And in the Messages, you will see there the following messages, see image below.
From 8080:
From 4438:
The answer is NO! As of doing this tutorial, I am currently subscribed also to Go50 for Students. And my subscription will end until September 1, 2020. After checking my data by texting DATA BAL to 8080, the message below clearly answered my question.
Hi! As of 2020-08-18, 23:14:09, the remaining MB on your active promos are:
DATA: 2.87GB (until 2020-09-01, 22:05:24)
DATA: 1GB (until 2020-08-19, 23:09:36)
The 2.87GB that will expire on September 1 is my Go50 for Students promo, extended using Gosurfbe34 promo. The 1GB is the SURF1D that I redeemed using this tutorial, and it will expire the next day.
So, redeemed Globe rewards will need to be consumed before it expires; otherwise, your points will be wasted.
Accessing Globe Rewards will enable you to know your current earned points. These points can be used to redeem Globe promos.
To be able to access Globe Rewards using your computer, you need to install a program that will act as an android. You can follow the steps here: Open Globe Rewards in Computer using Bluestacks.
Now, assuming you are done with the downloading and installation. Continue by following the steps below.
Redeem Globe Rewards using computer
1. Inside your Globe Rewards app, you will see there your current points. I currently have 8 points, so I am eligible to avail of the SURF1D. The promo costs 8 points, valid for 1 day, and it has 1 GB internet data.
2. Now, in the All Rewards, click View All.
3. Find Globe Promos, click it also.
4. I want to avail and redeem the SURF1D promo. For your own promo, just find it and click it.
5. A message will appear, it will explain the promo that you want to redeem. For mine, the SURF1D, it costs 8 points and 1GB for surfing for 1 day. Press the Redeem button to continue.
6. Now, just press the Confirm button.
7. It will now say that "A message from 4438 will arrive shortly. Hang on!". Just press the Got It! Button.
8. When your points got deducted, then you already claimed the reward.
9. To check whether you previously claimed it or not, go to your browser and access your Globe Tattoo dashboard. Note, I am using Globe Tattoo sim for this tutorial. And in the Messages, you will see there the following messages, see image below.
From 8080:
You're now registered to REWSURF1D with 1GB of mobile data valid until 2020-08-19, 23:09:36. To check the status of your subscription, text REWSURF1D STATUS to 8080. To stop your subscription, text REWSURF1D STOP to 8080. Maintain P1 load. Regular browsing rate applies once REWSURF1D us used up.
From 4438:
You've successfully redeemed SURF1D! We hope you enjoy your reward as much as we take delight in extending it to you. Keep on using Globe to enjoy more Rewards!Are Globe Rewards redeemed data promos extendable like regularly registered promos?
The answer is NO! As of doing this tutorial, I am currently subscribed also to Go50 for Students. And my subscription will end until September 1, 2020. After checking my data by texting DATA BAL to 8080, the message below clearly answered my question.
Hi! As of 2020-08-18, 23:14:09, the remaining MB on your active promos are:
DATA: 2.87GB (until 2020-09-01, 22:05:24)
DATA: 1GB (until 2020-08-19, 23:09:36)
The 2.87GB that will expire on September 1 is my Go50 for Students promo, extended using Gosurfbe34 promo. The 1GB is the SURF1D that I redeemed using this tutorial, and it will expire the next day.
So, redeemed Globe rewards will need to be consumed before it expires; otherwise, your points will be wasted.
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