If you are a GOMO user, you should already know that the network is more focused on cheaper DATA promos. Though it also has a promo with call and text to all networks and with no expiry, the promo is worth P499 which is a little high because it also has data in the package.

But there is a way to get some Texts/SMS that you can use for all networks. You just need to convert 200 MB or 0.2 GB of your data promo to 30 Texts. This 30 Texts/SMS has no expiration. To do this, follow the simple steps below.

Also read:

How to convert GOMO 200mb data to 30 AllNet Texts NO Expiry

👉 You need to login or open first your GOMO account to be able to access the GOMO 'Mo offers and promos. You can either login using your mobile using the GOMO app, or via pc or laptop using the official GOMO website.

👉 Assuming that you are already inside your GOMO account, press the 'Mo Creds tab.

👉 Inside 'Mo Creds press the No Expiry 30 Texts to all networks. And then press the Next button to proceed.

👉 A message saying: 
Are you sure you want to convert: 0.2 GB → 30 Texts to all networks. Your current balance is XX.xx GB. XX.xx GB will remain after this conversion. 
will appear. Just the Confirm Conversion button to continue.

👉 Another message will appear saying:
Successful Conversion! Refresh HOME to view your latest data balance. 'Mo Creds Summary 30 Texts to all networks December 07, 2021 04:44 PM Total data converted 0.2 GB
will appear. Just press Back to 'Mo Creds button to continue.

👉 Now, press the Home button. Then, press the Text icon or swipe your phone from right to left.

👉 You will then see there your 30 TEXTS to all networks with no expiration.

👉 Done!

It is absolutely necessary to have some extra TEXTS/SMS to all networks inside your GOMO number. In case of emergency, you can use these converted TEXTS to send messages to your love ones. And what's really good is, they will never expire unless you already used all of the available TEXTS.